To advocate for the business interests of Texas freelance Certified Shorthand Reporters and Court Reporting Firms; to promote the profession of court reporting and maintain the integrity of the profession; to provide a forum for CSRs and CRFs to address business issues of common interest; to promote a broader understanding and acceptance of CSRs as an integral part of the judicial system; to improve the delivery of quality court reporting services to the public; to aid in recruiting and training of future verbatim CSRs; to facilitate good relationships between CSRs, CRFs, consumers, and the parties they serve; and for any other approved lawful purpose as determined by the Board of Directors. |
To represent the professional and business interests of Texas freelance Certified Shorthand Reporters and Court Reporting Firms through advocacy, education, communication, and transparency, while promoting the benefits of working with trained professionals who precisely capture the spoken word in judicial proceedings and provide crucial services to the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, and to foster better awareness of our value to the judicial system and the public. |
Copyright Texas Deposition Court Reporters Association. All Rights Reserved.
PO Box 11416 | College Station, TX 77842 Phone: 832-856-1979 | [email protected] |